Take a deep breath
Best experience with sound on
Harmonizing mind & body amids chaos
We find a sanctuary of calm within our being, where the mind and body whisper in harmony.
Ayurveda, the timeless science of life, emerges as her steadfast guide in this chaotic world.
Elevating authentic beauty above superficial standards
Ayurvedic nourishment, drawn from the heart of Mother Nature.
Born from nature
ETHA embodies the ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, infusing every product with 5,000 years of holistic wellness knowledge.
Achieve equilibrium as body and mind unite on a journey of wholeness with our tailored morning and evening rituals at ETHA
Holistic harmony
ETHA redefines beauty by honoring your unique Dosha constitution, ensuring a personalized journey to balance.
Tap on each element
to explore
Hover on each element
to explore
In the grand tapestry of creation, five elements entwine.
— a cosmic ballet of essence and energy.
The three doshas are derived from the five elements.
We are all as distinctive as our fingerprints
With varying energies that shape our bodies, minds, and emotions. 

The Dosha unveils your unique combination of these energies, guiding us to curate a wellness journey that honors your individuality and addresses your specific needs.
Find Balance

Are you living as your true self?

Integrate Ayurvedic wisdom into your life and start a lifelong journey of beauty and wellbeing.

Unpredictable, talkative, impulsive, creative
An agile mind that moves quickly—Ruled by air and ether, Vata changes fast and often, like the wind! Creative, dynamic, in a hurry.

Your body is probably naturally thin and slender. Your hands and feet may tend to get cold easily. Your sleep may is elusive, or easily disturbed.

Your body is probably naturally thin and slender.
Vata benefits from warm, nourishing foods that ground their naturally light and cool constitution.

Incorporate cooked grains like oatmeal and rice, root vegetables such as carrots and sweet potatoes, and healthy fats like avocado and olive oil.

Spices that are good for Vata include cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger, which help stimulate digestion and reduce the cold and dry qualities of Vata.
Due to Vata’s erratic and changeable nature, their sleep can often be light and interrupted.

Establishing a regular nighttime routine that includes winding down for the day can be beneficial.

Practices like drinking warm milk with nutmeg before bed, avoiding electronic screens, and ensuring the bedroom is warm and cozy can promote deeper and more restful sleep.
For Vata, moisturizing and nourishing products are essential to combat their dry skin.

Look for products that contain hydrating ingredients like almond oil, sesame oil, and ghee.

Hydrating masks, intensive moisturizers, and herbal teas like licorice or fennel can also be beneficial.
Find Balance

Are you living as your true self?

Integrate Ayurvedic wisdom into your life and start a lifelong journey of beauty and wellbeing.

Unpredictable, talkative, impulsive, creative
Ruled by fire and water, Pitta embodies the transformative power of flames and the fluidity of water. Dynamic and intense, Pitta individuals often have a fiery personality that fuels their drive for success. They're naturally passionate and often have a sharp intellect that helps them excel in problem-solving and leadership roles.

Your physique is likely strong and athletic, with a medium build. You may have warm skin that's prone to irritation or inflammation. Sleep for Pitta types can be moderate but often interrupted by their active minds.
Pitta types should focus on cool, refreshing foods to balance their internal heat.

Favor sweet, bitter, and astringent tastes like salads, dairy products, and cooling herbs such as mint and cilantro.

Avoid spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol which can increase Pitta’s natural heat.
Pitta sleep is usually moderate but can be disturbed by their fiery nature.

To promote relaxation, avoid overheating the sleeping environment and engaging in stimulating activities near bedtime.

Practices like a cooling shower at night and applying aloe vera gel can soothe Pitta before sleep.
Products aimed at cooling and soothing are ideal for Pitta. Skincare items with aloe vera, coconut oil, and sandalwood are beneficial.

Pitta types should look for sunscreens, cooling body lotions, and teas that promote digestion without increasing heat, such as peppermint or chamomile.
Find Balance

Are you living as your true self?

Integrate Ayurvedic wisdom into your life and start a lifelong journey of beauty and wellbeing.

Unpredictable, talkative, impulsive, creative
Governed by earth and water, Kapha embodies strength and stability. Known for groundedness, patience, and endurance, Kapha types are the bedrock of their communities, offering support and calmness during turbulence.

Physically, they tend to have solid, robust bodies with a propensity to gain weight easily, enjoy deep sleep, and find it hard to wake up in the morning. Their skin is smooth and oily, and they stay composed under stress. Understanding these characteristics helps individuals balance their energies for better health and well-being.
Kapha types should opt for light, stimulating foods to counteract their naturally heavy and slow nature.

Emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, and light grains like quinoa and barley.

Spices like turmeric, black pepper, and mustard seed are great for stimulating Kapha’s digestion.
Kapha individuals typically have deep sleep but may have difficulties with oversleeping.

To avoid sluggishness upon waking, it is beneficial to maintain a regular sleep schedule and limit daytime naps.

Stimulating activities in the morning, such as a brisk walk or a warm drink, can help wake the body up.
For Kapha, invigorating and energizing products work best.

Look for skincare products with stimulating herbs like eucalyptus or tea tree oil, which promote circulation and awaken the senses.

Body scrubs, energizing mists, and detoxifying tea blends like green tea or ginger tea are also suitable.
Find Balance

Are you living as your true self?

Integrate Ayurvedic wisdom into your life and start a lifelong journey of beauty and wellbeing.

etha's Herbs
Balance your Dosha
Serenading whispers of ancient wisdom, Ashwagandha emerges from the earth's embrace.

With gentle strength, it eases burdens, weaving tranquility through your spirit. Like a guardian, it harmonizes your soul's rhythm, empowering you to weather life's storms with resilience.
Curcuma longa
Golden threads of Turmeric weave through time, a radiant tapestry of wellness.

Sun-kissed tendrils carry the warmth of healing, soothing each ache with their gentle touch. The earth's gift, it whispers tales of vitality, illuminating the path to inner radiance.
Phyllanthus emblica
In the heart of the orchard, Triphala's trinity emerges. Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki, a symphony of fruits, cleanse the canvas of your being.

Like a gentle breeze, they dance through you, purifying, renewing, and carrying away the traces of life's intricacies.
Bacopa monnieri
Amidst tranquil waters, Brahmi's tendrils unfurl, a haven of clarity in the mind's expanse.

It whispers to the soul, guiding thoughts into harmony, nurturing the gardens of thought with every delicate stroke.
Azadirachta indica
Neem, the guardian of the forest, stands tall. Its leaves, like emerald shields, protect the realm of your skin.

Earth's healer, it breathes life into your being, offering solace to the skin's journey through time.ife's storms with resilience.
Ocimum sanctum
Tulsi, the sacred sentinel, stands amidst the whispers of the breeze. Its leaves, like fragrant prayers, cradle you in their embrace.

From Mother Earth's heart to yours, it nourishes your immunity, weaving a tapestry of wellbeing.
Emblica officinalis
From the orchards of eternity, Amla's jewels glisten.

Sweet and tart, it's nature's elixir, a symphony of Vitamin C. Like a wise elder, it nurtures you, holding hands with time as it unveils beauty from within.
Tinospora cordifolia
Guduchi, the vine of life, intertwines with nature's melody. It sweeps through you, a river of rejuvenation, nourishing your essence.

From the depths of the earth, it rises, embracing your spirit in its dance of vitality.
Asparagus racemosus
Shatavari's tendrils reach, a dance of femininity and grace.

From the soil's embrace, it embodies women's wellness, harmonizing the symphony of hormones and empowering the divine feminine within.
Terminalia chebula
In the heart of the forest, Haritaki's presence blooms, a messenger of balance.

It whispers to the winds, guiding digestion's journey, and carries the weight of all three Doshas upon its leaves.


Terminalia chebula

In the heart of the forest, Haritaki's presence blooms, a messenger of balance. It whispers to the winds, guiding digestion's journey, and carries the weight of all three Doshas upon its leaves.


Phyllanthus emblica

In the heart of the orchard, Triphala's trinity emerges. Amalaki, Bibhitaki, Haritaki, a symphony of fruits, cleanse the canvas of your being. Like a gentle breeze, they dance through you, purifying, renewing, and carrying away the traces of life's intricacies.


Ocimum sanctum

Tulsi, the sacred sentinel, stands amidst the whispers of the breeze. Its leaves, like fragrant prayers, cradle you in their embrace. From Mother Earth's heart to yours, it nourishes your immunity, weaving a tapestry of wellbeing.


Withania somnifera

Serenading whispers of ancient wisdom, Ashwagandha emerges from the earth's embrace.
With gentle strength, it eases burdens, weaving tranquility through your spirit. Like a guardian, it harmonizes your soul's rhythm, empowering you to weather life's storms with resilience.


Curcuma longa

Golden threads of Turmeric weave through time, a radiant tapestry of wellness.Sun-kissed tendrils carry the warmth of healing, soothing each ache with their gentle touch. The earth's gift, it whispers tales of vitality, illuminating the path to inner radiance.


Asparagus racemosus

Shatavari's tendrils reach, a dance of femininity and grace. From the soil's embrace, it embodies women's wellness, harmonizing the symphony of hormones and empowering the divine feminine within.


Bacopa monnieri

Amidst tranquil waters, Brahmi's tendrils unfurl, a haven of clarity in the mind's expanse. It whispers to the soul, guiding thoughts into harmony, nurturing the gardens of thought with every delicate stroke.


Emblica officinalis

From the orchards of eternity, Amla's jewels glisten. Sweet and tart, it's nature's elixir, a symphony of Vitamin C. Like a wise elder, it nurtures you, holding hands with time as it unveils beauty from within.


Tinospora cordifolia

Guduchi, the vine of life, intertwines with nature's melody. It sweeps through you, a river of rejuvenation, nourishing your essence. From the depths of the earth, it rises, embracing your spirit in its dance of vitality.


Azadirachta indica

Neem, the guardian of the forest, stands tall. Its leaves, like emerald shields, protect the realm of your skin. Earth's healer, it breathes life into your being, offering solace to the skin's journey through time.


Asparagus racemosus


Curcuma longa


Withania somnifera


Ocimum sanctum


Phyllanthus emblica


Terminalia chebula


Azadirachta indica


Tinospora cordifolia


Emblica officinalis


Bacopa monnieri
Uncompromising quality
There are no shortcuts when it comes to crafting the best.

We're dedicated to providing you with products that hold the essence of these herbs intact, preserving their innate goodness for your wellbeing.

We don't cut corners; we take the extra step to ensure the uncompromising quality you deserve.
Bond with nature
Our commitment to quality extends to every herb we choose.

We forge a direct bond with nature, cultivating, harvesting, and processing these botanical gems with care.

This ensures that when they arrive in your hands, they're infused with the vitality and authenticity nature intended.
We practice what we preach
We are driven by a profound commitment to bring this philosophy closer to the modern person.
Woman meditating
CEO & Founder
Father of three, believes in reacting positively to life’s events.

Pitta Dosha
Woman holding belly
Creative Director
Driven by a love for art and nature as inspiration.

Pitta Dosha
Foot in bed sheets
Customer Experience Manager
Advocate for healthy, mindful living since 2017.

Pitta Dosha
Foot in bed sheets
Etha Academy Manager
Passionate about nature and personal growth.

Vata Dosha
Holding candle
Brings an industry-inspired perspective to resource management.

Pitta Dosha
The well
5 ways to improve your gut health
Welness tips
Recipes, digestion advise and lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +10 hours of learning.
5 min read
5 ways to improve your gut health
Ready for winter
Recipes, digestion advise and lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +10 hours of learning.
5 min read
5 ways to improve your gut health
Practical wisdom
Recipes, digestion advise and lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. +10 hours of learning.
5 min read
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