Food Tips for Kapha

Our health is dependent upon various factors and according to Ayurveda, “Ahara” or diet is one of the most important ones. Ayurveda states that our diet is responsible for our “disease and illness, happiness and sorrow”. Following a diet specific to your Dosha is one of the best ways to pacify an aggravated Dosha, to prevent sickness and achieve balance. To find out your Dosha, take our test at the bottom of this page.

Ayurvedic dietary recommendations are focused on three main principles: mindful eating, specific foods that soothe your Dosha and adapting regular mealtimes. In previous articles we have explored the best diets for Vata and Pitta constitutions, here we focus on Kapha.

Heavy, smooth and moist, Kapha is the Dosha of earth and water. Kapha, therefore, governs the processes of weight growth, formation of tissues and provides moisture in the joints and stomach. Overall, for Kapha food should be taken in smaller quantities and excess fat should be avoided. Favourable tastes are pungent, bitter and astringent. Because of your grounded nature, as a Kapha you are advised to have frequent, smaller meals and you are the only Dosha for which fasting or skipping meals is also advised. You can indulge in spicy, hot food and balance your tendency for weight gain by choosing raw fruits and vegetables. Avoid salty foods as it tends to lead to water retention.

Overall the dietary breakdown of Kapha should be 45% grains, 30%vegetables, 15%pulses, 10% fats, diary products, nuts and seeds.

Best Kapha foods

From the fruit bowl – lighter fruits such as apples, pears, pomegranates, cranberries and apricots. Small amounts of papaya can satisfy your sweet tooth.

From the vegetable box – all vegetables, except sweet potatoes, tomatoes and zucchini.

From the spice rack – pepper, cayenne, nutmeg, coriander, mustard seeds and ginger.

From the meat chiller – chicken and seafood.

From the pantry – coffee, honey; barley, corn, millet, buckwheat and rye; all seeds especially pumpkin and sunflower; oats, rice, wheat and oils only in moderation.

From the fridge – small amounts of ghee, low-fat milk and low-fat yoghurt.

Stay clear of

Excess salt, sugar, tofu and red meat. You need to limit your intake of lots of food stuffs, and use honey in place of sweeteners.

Khapha eating habits

Aim to have regular mealtimes, however fasting or reducing meals to two or three times a day is recommended for you. Avoid eating on your own.

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